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Lots of polish and style, as always! I had a lot of fun with this and stopped playing at Round 15.

I really like the concept, but there’s one thing I’d love to see improved: at the start of each run, you carefully aim every shot since every wasted bullet brings you significantly closer to death. This tension feels central to the experience (or at least, how I think the game wants me to feel).

Unfortunately, this sense of urgency fades after a few rounds. As your ammo stock grows, the choice of when and whether to shoot becomes less meaningful—it’s no longer a concern.

I’d love to see this aspect developed further. For example, Damage Increase could cost more than one bullet per shot, or there could be an option to increase the firing rate instead. Small tweaks like these could help preserve that initial sense of risk and strategy throughout the game.


Nice game

Thank you <3


  • the fact that the enemy's health increases with each round is unclear and makes the "DamageUP" perk look useless
    • Give enemies different visuals based on how much health they have
      • change of color and/or form
  • level-up screen suddenly appears on your face
    • Showing how close you are to level up
      • a progression bar or something
    • smoother transition
      • an explosion killing all enemies and then a fade-in or slide-in of the menu
        • alternatively, pause the game to open the menu without removing the enemies
  • There is no choice in the level-up since you have enough currency to buy everything
    • increase PowerUps costs
      • increase even the cost of taking the same PowerUp each time
    • Do not keep the drops after a level-up
      • alternatively, pause the game to open the menu without removing the enemies
  • The arrow it's hard to control
    • when shooting: keep the slowed movement but decrease the recoil
  • Repetitiveness
    • new perks
      • core barriers/shields
        • placed around the core, blocks a certain amount of damage
          • do not regenerate with each level up
  • increase the need for movement
    • having enemy bullets hit you too
      • new perks
        • shield
    • new perks
      • chances of placing a mine
  • Instead of a hold button to spread bullets, you can have a hold&release shooting in which the more you hold the stronger the bullet is, in this way, the player will alternate between tapping the input and holding it based on the situation
  • Enemy variety
    • orbital enemy
      • orbit around the target while shooting
    • laser enemy
      • instead of shooting bullets, after positioning it starts shooting a laser that deals ongoing damage
    • Missiles enemy
      • shoots homing missiles aiming at the player

Really interesting mechanic and the level of polish was awesome!